Monday, September 12, 2011

"We have a moon at OUR house too."

Driving in the car today, Anna going along with Daddy for a busy day of running around for a couple clients, she looks up out the window and says "I see a little thing in the sky."  "There's some little thing up there."
Then again, and she asks me what it is.

"What color is it?"
"Well, it could be a little cloud, or sometimes during the day, you can see the moon."
"We have a moon at OUR house too," she says delightedly.

Whenever we all get home from somewhere like a family thing or a restaurant after dark, I take Anna to say goodnight to the moon before she goes in and gets ready for bed.  It helps transition her to go inside when she is grumpy (We know how much this kid likes to be outdoors).
It makes for a lot of fun little moments to spend with her.  She says goodnight to the moon, clouds, bugs, tree-frogs and sometimes the trees.  And occasionally, "goodnight airplane-star." 

So, not only was it cute when she told me today that we, too have a moon, as we drove through Lebanon, it was nice to see she is trying to learn and doesn't forget when we say goodnight to the moon.  I was one happy dad today.  

Usually, I explain little things like that to her, but today, I was totally content with her thinking for a little while that we have our own moon that she looks at with her daddy.