Friday, April 1, 2011

The cold weather has been back for most of the past week and a half or so, but when we had all those nice days in a row last month, Anna and I spent as much time outside as we possibly could. 
We went to the Pittsboro park one super warm day (Anna came home covered in sand.  After her nap, I had to give her a bath and change her bed sheet)
Arbuckle Park (Bburg) - where she found the most dangerous thing (some kind of strange bouncing thing with metal bars and old tires, much cooler than it sounds) on the playground for a two year old and decided that was her favorite.  She also got to play with some other kids
Pleasant Acres, aka the Jamestown Nature Park - She is usually disappointed at first about the lack of swings, but she loves to go exploring in the woods.
Williams Park (Bburg) - Anna had so much fun on their giant toddler-friendly maze of a playground, which was full of other kids for her to play with, that she was too tired to argue or throw a fit when we went home.  She fell asleep in the car and took a nice looooonnnng nap.  Btw, there are some really cool pipe chimes that the kids can play at that park.  Anna could've stayed and played those for hours. 

Now, other than yesterday, it's been pretty chilly out.  We've been going to Lowe's every now and then, and she just thinks that's the coolest place on Earth.  She loves to explore around the garden section (and gets to be kind of outside with a good wind block), likes hanging out in the lawn furniture, and could literally spend a whole afternoon looking at all the different lights and ceiling fans.

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