Tuesday, April 5, 2011

One Room Hoarder

So we started cleaning out the spare bedroom to get ready for little baby on the way due in November.  And, I think that, at least in that room, and the garage, I am a hoarder.
I have thrown away:

a stack of college notes and binders.  There were some 12+ year old things in there as I began finding things I had clearly written in high school.

no less than four WALKMANS (or Walkmen?), yes, walkmans (Tammy was guilty here too): three that played TAPES (that's right) and one that played CD's.  Of course most of us know that a Walkman cassette player was the most infuriating, inefficient, devourer of batteries money could buy.  So, I didn't mind letting go of the little machine that I used to take on family trips only to find that without a huge bag of batteries, ol' Tom Petty was going to start to sound pretty tired by the end of Side 2.  So goodbye, Walkmans.  We'll always have that one childhood family vacation where you made it through Billy Squire's Greatest Hits twice without dying. 

A couple of old toy trucks that I repaired as a child after they were crushed by a backhoe (apparently, piles of fill dirt were NOT a great place to build a whole town to the scale model of one's Nylint and Tonka trucks).  Back then, I thought it was pretty cool that I was able to unbend all that metal back then and basically make them look like a couple beat up old trucks.  However, from a father's perspective, they had now become a tetanus shot waiting to happen.

a box of friggin magazines; Now if that's not a hoarder thing to have, I don't know what is. 
a box of GI Joes which had already made their way out to the garage before Anna was born in which a family of mice had decided to have some kind of extended party (I hate mice, even in cartoons)

There is more cathartic junk removal to come in preparation for our second child.

I'm hoping to talk Tammy into getting rid of my rather sizable and her gigantic cassette tape libraries.  I have a ridiculous amount, but Tammy's collection easily doubles mine because she was reluctant to change over from tapes to CD's.  She may be a software designer, but she really doesn't care about the newest and best technology (as evidenced by the box of VHS tapes I recently boxed up for Goodwill).

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